A report examined the Ombudsman's role in considering complaints about poor service and unfair treatment provided to people with disabilities by the National Health Service and government agencies – illustrated by summaries of recently completed investigations.
Source: Report by the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman on Complaints About Disability Issues, HC 1512, Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman, TSO
Links: Report | PHSO press release
Date: 2011-Oct
The education inspectorate in Wales said that there had been a 'marked improvement' in the provision of practical help and support to pupils with disabilities in mainstream schools and pupil referral units.
Source: Review of Disability Equality Schemes and Practices in Schools and Pupil Referral Units, HM Chief Inspector of Education and Training in Wales
Links: Report | HMCIETW press release
Date: 2011-Jun
A new book examined the position and experiences of disabled people in the education system.
Source: Steve Haines and David Ruebain (eds.), Education, Disability and Social Policy, Policy Press
Links: Summary
Date: 2011-Jun
An article examined the implications of adopting social audit approaches in order to implement equality policies in Scotland, drawing on data from an evaluation of pubic sector bodies disability equality schemes.
Source: Rowena Arshad and Sheila Riddell, 'Managing disability equality in Scotland: tensions between social audit and disability equality', Social Policy and Society, Volume 10 Issue 2
Links: Abstract
Date: 2011-Apr
An article examined the initial stages of the implementation process of the disability equality duty across a range of public sector organizations in England, focusing in particular on how this policy had affected 'mainstreaming'. Although organizations showed awareness of mainstreaming and its implications for disability equality, there was limited evidence to suggest that the public sector had fully embraced this agenda.
Source: Charlotte Pearson et al., 'Mainstreaming the disability equality duty and the impact on public authorities' working practices', Social Policy and Society, Volume 10 Issue 2
Links: Abstract
Date: 2011-Apr
An article examined the early implementation in England of the disability equality duty for public sector organizations. Although some progress had been made in securing change, practice varied greatly.
Source: Charlotte Pearson et al., 'Don't get involved: an examination of how public sector organisations in England are involving disabled people in the Disability Equality Duty', Disability & Society, Volume 26 Number 3
Links: Abstract
Date: 2011-Apr
An article examined the concepts of reasonable accommodation, and accessibility of goods and services, in relation to disabled people in Europe. Existing provisions within European Union member states were complex and inconsistent, and further guidance was needed.
Source: Anna Lawson, 'Reasonable accommodation and accessibility obligations: towards a more unified European approach?', European Anti-Discrimination Law Review, Issue 11
Links: Article
Date: 2011-Feb